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BibleExplorer in 25 Malawian Schools

During the last three years, Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa has had the privilege of training six full time BibleExplorer instructors in Malawi. This has been in partnership with Walk Thru the Bible UK and Starfish Malawi.

These instructors teach BibleExplorer in 25 Malawian public schools every week – with over 1500 children being exposed to Bible teaching in their home language, Chichewa, every week. At least seven of these schools are also within predominantly unreached areas. To God be the glory for the witness and opportunity in these schools!



Listening carefully

Listening carefully

Trying the handsigns

Trying the handsigns

The BibleExplorer lessons are taught weekly during class time in the schools. The lessons are fun and interactive and aim to teach the children the big picture of the Bible – using creative keywords and hand signs, which help them to remember the storyline.

Lynnette Stander, from Walk Thru the Bible South Africa, who has visited Malawi regularly to train and encourage the instructors reports:


Lynnette Stander

It has been heart-warming to see the progress, passion and creativity of the Malawian BibleExplorer instructors. Some of them even cycle an hour or two in the tropical heat, in order to reach the schools where they teach! We have also received such positive feedback from the headmasters of the schools. The headmasters report that the classes that have been through BibleExplorer show improved attendance and behaviour, as well as better academic performance. What a testimony to our Lord!

It has also been a delight to see how the students love BibleExplorer and how it has impacted some of teachers at the schools. The instructors have been able to develop an ongoing relationship with the teachers, some of whom have commented: “We are learning how to teach from this!”

One of our instructors was recently approached by a Muslim man, who said: “Please teach me to teach like you do. I see the children in our area playing in the afternoons and doing the hand signs that you teach them. I want my children to learn like that and to remember what they have been taught.”

What a great opportunity to share our faith!

I am so excited to see how God is at work in Malawi and to see children excited about God’s Word.

Please join us in praying for our BibleExplorer instructors in Malawi: Wiseman, Tionge, Agnes, Brian, Bernard and George. May the Lord continue to enlarge their territory and grant them favour in the schools where they teach.

BibleExplorer is one of Walk Thru the Bible’s Live Events and is available as both BibleExplorer Old Testament and BibleExplorer New Testament. Please click here for more information.

If you would like to organize a BibleExplorer Live Event in your local community or school, please contact the Walk Thru the Bible South Africa office.

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